Whether you are new to homeschooling or not, this is the time of year when all of us are busy getting ready for the "official" new school year that is about to begin.
Even though, I consider myself a year-round homeschooler,
I still have, to prepare as well. While others may be shopping for new curriculum
to purchase, I too am going over what we use in our schooling, making any
adjustments if needed.
We love our core curriculum that we use, and luckily
have not found a reason to change it in years, but that doesn’t mean I don’t
still love to browse the internet for anything new I can add to it. There are
just so many free printables on the internet. Plus, I just love a good unit
study! I also consider this time of year my “Spring Cleaning” for everything
homeschool related. I go through everything, my book case, storage compartments,
etc. I clean out anything I do not need, file last year’s work, and make
a shopping list of what schooling supplies I will need for the following year. I do all my shopping for my supplies during this time of year for the savings. I just love our tax free weekend!